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Nissån, Småland - December 2023

Intrepid Camera recently approached me looking to test their newly developed 4x5 film holders, living in a cold climate they were looking to test durability when the mercury hit the extreme negative numbers. Winter came early to Southern Sweden which meant by December, many of the small rivers and streams had begun to freeze over. This creates a unique phenomena were by the power of the water is suppressed due to extreme cold yet remains a powerful force that despite dense ice sheets, continues to flow. While walking along the upper reaches of Nissån, I discovered a pressure point where the water had thinned the ice enough that the trapped air had burst through. 

This initial image has formed the foundation for a new personal project which I will share more from in the near future.

During 2024 I will be sharing more BTS and general happenings on social media, if you have instagram feel free to give me a follow @chrisLanaway /

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